My Summer in Lima, Peru was one I will never forget!







5 out of 5
ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru
A student (Biomedical Engineering, Michigan Technological University)

I would definitely recommend this program. I had an incredible experience combining Study Abroad with Service Learning in El Hospital del Nino while staying with a Peruvian host family. My language skills improved immensely, I gained an appreciation for the Peruvian culture, and met wonderful people from around the world.

Study here:


Best Experience in Dublin


5 out of 5
ISA Study Abroad in Dublin, Ireland
A student (Geology/Earth Science, General, University of Utah)

I gained a lot of experiences from my time abroad. It was the first time I was away from home and it felt amazing! Everyone in Ireland is supper friendly and I took that attitude home when I came back to the states.

Study Abroad providers with the most reviews on Abroad101

Reviews are the lifeblood of Abroad101 and are what keep bringing students, parents and academic advisors to our website.  Abroad101 reviews are thorough evaluations of a student’s experience abroad and are designed to help the student showcase not only what they experienced, but also how they have grown.  These reviews take work; a well-written review requires 30-45 minutes from the student.

Program reviews/evaluations are also an important part of quality assurance in the study abroad process. Approximately 90% of the reviews published on Abroad101 come from the invitation of the home university, the program provider or the host university overseas.  With this as background, we offer a glimpse of who is being reviewed; this graphic highlights the program providers that have received the most reviews on Abroad101.Top-#-of-Provider-Reviews-July2014

Advisors and Providers: The Abroad101 Study Abroad Review Questions

Abroad101 has a 37-question survey of study abroad programs that has grown to be an industry standard. This review process is required at more than 30 universities and encouraged by providers and advisors at many others. As a standard set, these questions also give advisors and providers a means to benchmark their students against that of other institutions. In the spirit of creating best practice in the field, Abroad101 offers these time tested questions as a template for anyone looking to establish a review process for education abroad, we do hope that you will use our free tool to manage this process.

To start a study abroad review evaluation visit:

Download a pdf copy of our evaluation.