My Summer in Lima, Peru was one I will never forget!







5 out of 5
ISA Study Abroad in Lima, Peru
A student (Biomedical Engineering, Michigan Technological University)

I would definitely recommend this program. I had an incredible experience combining Study Abroad with Service Learning in El Hospital del Nino while staying with a Peruvian host family. My language skills improved immensely, I gained an appreciation for the Peruvian culture, and met wonderful people from around the world.

Study here:


Best Budget-Friendly Study Abroad Destinations

The Abroad101 rankings have finally been released! We’ve spent weeks coming up with the perfect categories, looking through our data, and crunching numbers to the rhythmic sounds of pencil biting, keyboard tapping, gum snapping, and our Keurig coffee maker.

We’re excited that our full list of categories is comprehensive and detailed but we’d like to take this moment to feature an important one: the Top Budget-Friendly Countries. Yes, that’s right kids! We have a list of the best destinations for the frugal-friendly, the penny pinchers, and the cost-conscious. So, don’t let your bank account dictate if you study abroad or not, check out the list below if you’re eager to spend time abroad without spending your entire bank account. Continue reading

The Top 10 Most Livable Cities of 2012

Want to live like a local where ever you go?  16,000 students on Abroad101 ranked destinations based on how easily they could integrate into daily life.  Will Cox gives us the run down on the list below for the world’s most welcoming study abroad cities of 2012; you’ll be sure to get acclimated in no time!

1. Melbourne, Australia

With a mix of big city culture and small town pleasantries, the second largest city in Australia provides easily accessible routes into all things uniquely Australian. From Australian rules football to Aboriginal music and dance, there are constant opportunities to live the life down-under.

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