Getting Out of Town: The Best Ways to Travel Abroad

Photo: Drozd


If there is one thing we know, its that there is certainly a lot to prepare before jetting off to your study abroad destination. Where will I go? What will I study? How will I pay? However, there is perhaps one thing that may be more towards the back of your mind: how will I get around once I’ve arrived? You can’t take that bucket of bolts from high school you’ve got sitting in the driveway and your train card doesn’t really work overseas. Looks like you’ve got some research to do. Let us fill you in…

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Sea Olympics! Semester at Sea Extra-curriculars


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Who says 20-year-olds can’t act like kids! The other day we had our Sea Olympics! (think field day + greek week + competition + LOTS OF FUN…you get it). There are about nine or so ‘seas’ (aka hallways) and each … Continue reading