Our Abroad 101 winner #27 is Chandler Foster, a sophomore from the University of Oklahoma. Chandler is a marketing major with a minor in advertising and plans on landing a marketing job in a big city when she graduates. She is a member of many organizations on her campus including the sorority Alpha Chi Omega. Chandler is also very passionate about traveling and experiencing other cultures. Studying abroad has been a dream of hers since she was just 15 and and she has even planned her college career around studying abroad.
When Chandler was recently accepted into the ISA program in London, she was so excited she cried out of joy. She will be studying business classes at the University of Westminster for 6 months. With this program, Chandler will be able to achieve her goal of seeing the world and experiencing other cultures. She sees this opportunity as a way to set herself apart from other people and help her future career as a marketer. Chandler has worked two jobs to save up for this trip and has started a fundraising Mission to help her raise the rest of the funds she needs. You can check out Chandler’s Mission here!
The Abroad101 Student of the Week initiative awards a student who created a Mission for a study abroad program on GoEnnounce with a donation to their fundraiser. Learn more about this partnership from Abroad101 CEO Mark Shay and GoEnnounce co-founder Melissa Davis here.
We’re making weekly donations to study abroad fundraisers! We hope you can help us assist these students in reaching their goals and make their travel dreams a reality. Visit here to help with this mission. To find out more about studying in London, like Chandler, visit the Abroad101 program page.
Stay tuned for our next Abroad101 Student of the Week!
– See more at: http://blog.goennounce.com/abroad101-student-of-the-week-0027-chandler-foster