How Important Is Transcription In The Healthcare Industry?
In the healthcare industry, accuracy is always important, regardless of whether something is being completed by a human or by a computer. So, what has transcription... Read more.

Life After Study Abroad? Consider a career in online marketing
You’ve studied abroad, and if you are like most students you’ve spent a lot of time telling the world about it through social media and review outlets... Read more.

Tricks To Help You Master A Foreign Language Before Moving To Study Abroad
If you were to dedicate 3½ hours daily to learning a new language, it would take you 24 weeks to master it, according to a report by The Foreign Service Institute of... Read more.

5 Must-Haves for Exchange Students
Meta: These are some of the most useful things to have when studying abroad. There are challenges in becoming an exchange student, but these shouldn’t hinder youfrom... Read more.

Adjusting to New Learning Environments and Style When Studying Abroad
You’ve planned your semester abroad to a tee, prepared for the worst, and hoped for the best. The minute you land, you’re busy taking in the newness around you.... Read more.

How Parents Can Solve the Study Abroad Funding Gap
College comes with a wide variety of experiences, some of which can be categorized as once-in-a-lifetime. One of the most highly prized—and highly regarded—experiences... Read more.

25 Benefits of Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is a life changing experience for college students. It opens the door to a world full of travel and adventure, it creates exciting new educational... Read more.

How to Best Use Technology While Abroad
Taking the Tube around London or strolling past the Eiffel Tower on the way to class in the morning might be dreams of study abroad students the world over, but... Read more.

Odyssey in Athens – Abroad101 Cool Program of the Week
Odyssey in Athens is a study abroad program through Webster University and gives students from any college a rich cultural experience in the birthplace of Western... Read more.

I Went To Study Abroad For 1 Semester And Stayed For More Than 4 Years!
By Lewi Blake – MoveYourLifeAbroad.com Studying abroad changed my life. In 2011 I took a GAP year to Bordeaux, France so that I could learn how to speak French,... Read more.