This week, our Abroad101 “Student of the Week” winner is Veronica Sniezek. Veronica is a junior at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and is majoring in theatre (theatrical design). She wants to go abroad to London, England to study theatre at what could be considered one of the best places for it in the world! This study abroad trip to London is such a great experience for Veronica because it will be a monumental first step to achieving her dream of becoming a costume designer in London.
The Abroad101 Student of the Week initiative awards a student who created a Mission for a study abroad program on GoEnnounce with a donation to their fundraiser. Learn more about this partnership from Abroad101 CEO Mark Shay and GoEnnounce co-founder Melissa Davis here.
We’re making weekly donations to #studyabroad fundraisers! We hope you can help us assist these students in reaching their goals to make their travel dreams a reality. To find out more about Veronica’s study abroad program in London, visit here.
Stay tuned for our next Abroad101 Student of the Week!
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