Abroad 101 Student of the Week #34 is Lydia Santoscoy from the University of Texas at El Paso. Lydia is a junior, studying business (marketing to be exact). She has a strong passion for education and not only loves to learn herself but enjoys sharing the joy of learning with others. Lydia participates in many extracurricular activities such as dancing, painting, poetry and more. In the future Lydia wants to focus on teaching underprivileged kids throughout the world, in order to become more culturally sensitive. This will help her in the future a a marketer when she eventually attempts to market for green energy innovations.
Lydia is planning on studying abroad this coming semester and is headed to Heredia, Costa Rica and will be attending the world renowned university, Universidad Latina. This is one of the largest private schools in Costa Rica. She will be studying marketing (with a concentration in Latin American) while having the opportunity to experience a new culture. Lydia will be living with a host family and immersing herself in the Latin American culture. We think this study abroad experience is a great stepping stone to help her reach her ultimate goal of becoming a marketer for a green energy corporation (solar, wind, or green materials such as hemp) targeting Latin America! She has started a fundraising Mission to help with the cost of the expensive airfare needed for this trip. You can check out Lydia’s Mission here!
The Abroad101 Student of the Week initiative awards a student who created a Mission for a study abroad program on GoEnnounce with a donation to their fundraiser. Learn more about this partnership from Abroad101 CEO Mark Shay and GoEnnounce co-founder Melissa Davis here.
We’re making weekly donations to study abroad fundraisers! We hope you can help us assist these students in reaching their goals and make their travel dreams a reality. Visit here to help with this mission. To find out more about studying in Costa Rica, like Lydia, visit the Abroad101 program page.
Stay tuned for our next Abroad101 Student of the Week!
– See more at: http://blog.goennounce.com/abroad101-student-of-the-week-0034-lydia-santoscoy