Study Abroad…for Four Years?
The Times just published a story on Americans jetting off to Scotland for college, showcasing St. Andrews and the University of Edinburgh. What was really surprising,... Read more.

USA Today: Study Abroad Enhances Learning
USA Today recently released an article stating what those in the international education field have known all along: Study abroad significantly adds to students’... Read more.

“Domestic” Study Abroad?
Remember back in the day when study abroad used to be…abroad? In efforts to expose students to the intricacies of the entertainment industry, this article... Read more.

From Hovering Mentors to Intrusive Rescue Squads: A Spectrum of Helicopter Parents
Study abroad is all about independence. When issues arise, from sorting out transfer of credit to dealing with a problematic host family, a phone call needs to be... Read more.

Once upon a time…
Mike met Mark. Their conversation likely involved an intense post-nap discussion of something along the lines of sharing or finger painting or ninja turtles. Freshman... Read more.

Pack Your Bags…
Because we’re about to launch more than a venture. Abroad101.com will undoubtedly be an adventure for the three of us recent college grads/co-founders- and... Read more.