Top 10 Careers for US Natives Living Abroad

Moving abroad can be an exciting and rewarding lifestyle, but it can be challenging to find work if you don’t know what’s out there. While job standards and roles can differ from country to country, many local and abroad opportunities are more similar than many people may think. Additionally, some countries specifically aim to hire international talent. If you’re uncertain what types of international jobs may best suit you, familiarize yourself with some of the top careers US natives are succeeding in while living abroad in this guide.

1. Computing and Information Technology

Technology is constantly evolving, and this isn’t exclusive to one country. Information technology (IT) roles involve working with computer data, languages, and technology, such as website development, cybersecurity, and software development. Many IT professionals are finding cybersecurity, technical support, and repair jobs abroad. Companies often fill IT roles with international applicants.

2. Translation and Interpreting

Bilingual expats will find a lot of success in translation and interpretation careers. Translators can read a language and translate it to another through text. Interpreters perform similar work but typically involve oral translations instead of written ones. When companies grow, they often develop in countries where English isn’t always spoken. Translators and interpreters can find a lot of career opportunities under these circumstances. Many other roles, such as customer support, are also looking for bilingual applicants to assist with more customers.

3. English Education

Understanding English can be a great asset when living abroad, depending on the locale. Teaching English as a second language is a typical and rewarding career for many expats, particularly teachers of English majors. English teachers help students learn the language when reading, writing, and speaking.

4. Marketing

Marketing is often a universal language; those with marketing training, experience, or schooling can easily find career opportunities in other countries. Overseas marketing jobs involve developing and monitoring marketing campaigns, creating social media marketing content, and improving marketing success for clients. A search engine optimization (SEO) background can benefit applicants regardless of location, as most locales use Google.

5. Writing

Writing work can typically be done from any location. Writers can be hired for various purposes: marketing, novels, articles, journalism, legal documents, and more. Freelance writers, in particular, can enjoy a nomadic lifestyle due to the job’s flexibility. Most writers create marketing content, such as blog posts, articles, and marketing copy, but you can be hired for any writing role regardless of location.

6. Graphic Design

The ability to create aesthetically pleasing marketing content is a skill needed globally. Graphic designers create visual content to entice an audience, which is particularly useful in marketing and media. Many companies hire graphic designers based on skill and availability instead of physical location, particularly in remote settings. Many US expats can find steady graphic design work in other countries.  

7. Editing

Similar to writing roles, editing is a universal talent that can be performed anywhere. An editor mainly proofreads written text for accurate spelling, grammar, consistency, and tone. Many businesses in other countries seek to hire proof-readers talent for their teams, particularly in the marketing sector. US natives can also find success editing English novels for a global audience.

8. Content Creation

Content creators do not reside in one country and can find career success anywhere. Like marketing and writing roles, content creators generate images, text, videos, and other media to entice and captivate audiences. Content creators can use one specific platform, such as YouTube or Twitch, or host various social media profiles and websites. Content creators can include illustrators, writers, filmmakers, streamers, photographers, and influencers. Influencers create marketable content based on themselves, their families, or pets. Most content creators can be located in a variety of locations.

9. Finance

Finance can be a remarkably successful career choice, depending on where you live. Finance is a global industry, meaning you can find work anywhere. These roles can be competitive, so be prepared to work hard. Finance jobs include accountants, financial managers, financial advisors, bankers, and modelers. Some locations have more financial job opportunities than other countries, such as Singapore or Hong Kong.

Group of students participating in The Intern Group's Tokyo study abroad internships, smiling in front of a traditional Japanese gate.

Student program review photo for The Intern Group’s Tokyo Internship Placement Program. For the full review click here!

10. Tourism

The tourism industry includes work involving hotels, travel logistics, cruises, tour guides, and anything else involving travel. These careers can benefit expats, as many English-speaking tourists visit worldwide. Tourism businesses hire a wide range of employees, including those from other countries, to fill their staff. You can see a lot of success if you have excellent communication skills, especially as a tour guide or travel agent. 


Moving and living abroad means finding relevant work in these locations as well. Many countries offer employment to expats for specific roles, while others require more training. US natives are finding career success with translating, English education, technology, and finance. Content creators can establish their image in any location they choose. Remote workers like writers and editors can also live and travel wherever they want.


Further reading: 

Finding careers abroad

Best careers overseas
