Abroad101 donates to study abroad fundraisers that are set up by hopeful students who want to study abroad. Working together with GoEnnounce we choose a student mission to be highlighted and then award a donation to start off the fundraising efforts. February 2017 students winners tell us about their coming study abroad trips to Spain, Costa Rica, Brazil and Northern Ireland.
Dylan Huegerich, our 111th Abroad101 Student of the Week winner is currently a junior at the University of Wisconsin. He is a double major in Business and Spanish/Latin American Studies and also minors in International Business! Dylan’s future plan is International Marketing. To reach this goal, he would like to work with companies on marketing and business plans all over the world to create positive changes, such as body positive campaigns for instance.
Dylan is required to go on a Study Abroad program in order to graduate. He chose to go to Spain to do a part-time, month-long program at la Universidad de Deusto in Bilbao. He has wanted to travel for a very long time and he is very grateful to have this amazing opportunity because not only will he be able to graduate, but he’ll also be able to continuing his Business education and improving his Spanish language skills while learning more about the culture and the value that this country has to offer.
We wish Dylan all the best in Spain and hope that he will have a life changing experience there!
Learn more about Dylan’s mission here.
Congratulations goes to our 112th Abroad101 Student of the Week winner, Rachel Cummings! Rachel, a junior at the University of Louisville in Kentucky is majoring in Public Health, a subject that she is fascinated about. In addition to her major Rachel is also minoring in Global Public Health. She is a dedicated student and believes that you should always take the opportunities that are given to you.
Rachel will Study Abroad in San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, at the Veritas University. This Study Abroad program will be a five week trip and include a homestay. As a Public Health major, Rachel believes that it is very important to know a foreign language because a lot of public health work is done overseas. She thinks that to get an education in both Spanish and Global Health will be incredibly useful, and will give her a comparative advantage for her future career!
Rachel started her fundraising Mission and will use the funds to pay for the tuition abroad and the travel costs.
To check out Rachel’s Mission and donate to her cause, click here!
Grace W, is our 113th Abroad101 Student of the Week winner! Currently pursuing her master degree in Public Health at Georgia State University, in Atlanta, she is a people person and really enjoys helping others. Even though Grace has always wanted to, she never had the chance to study abroad during her undergraduate studies, and she always regretted it. However, now there is the unique chance to go Study Abroad in Brazil with her Master’s program.
Grace understands that as a Public Health major she needs to be informed and exposed to current public health issues from a global perspective and this trip to the city of Salvador will provide her with the unique chance of gaining academic and professional knowledge . Health issues are a global phenomena, therefore, health issues that affect others indirectly affect everybody else too. By getting a global exposure, she believes that she will be able to better serve her community in the long term.
We wish Grace all the best in Brazil and hope that she will have a life changing experience there!
To check out Grace’s Mission and donate to her cause, click here!
And our last, but not least, February 114th Abroad101 Student of the Week winner is Tiffany Rogers who graduated in May 2016 from UGA with a Bachelor Degree in social work. She is currently pursuing her Master Degree in Social Work with a concentration in Community Empowerment and Program Development at the University of Georgia.
Tiffany has received many honors including the Dean’s List and the President’s List during her 4th year. She also succeeded in accomplishing volunteer work, extracurricular activities, a number of several clubs and societies and still managed to keep an impressive 3.9 GPA. Tiffany is driven by the purpose of making a positive difference in this world. She wants to help people, inspire them, she wants to have an impact and leave a legacy. With this in mind she has chosen to Study Abroad in Northern Ireland for a unique program learning about the historical roots of the three-decade long conflict called the Troubles.
Tiffany likes to plan ahead of time and therefore, she will most likely be working as a master’s practicing social worker when she comes back from her trip. Her long term goal is to be working with community agencies that work to help strengthen communities.
To check out Tiffany’s Mission and donate to her cause, click here!
The Abroad 101 Student of the Week initiative awards a student who created a Mission for a study abroad program on GoEnnounce with a donation to their fundraiser. Learn more about this partnership from Abroad101 CEO Mark Shay and GoEnnounce founder Melissa Davis here.
Stay tuned for our next Abroad101 Students of the Week!