London for Foreign Students: 8 Things to Get Set Up Before Moving

A bustling London street decorated with colorful international flags, red double-decker buses, and pedestrians, showcasing London's vibrant and multicultural atmosphere.

London: A vibrant hub for international students.

If you’re moving to London as a foreign student, there are some things you should probably tend to before you arrive in Great Britain. Here, find a list of some of the most important things to take care of in advance before your move.

1. Find an international students club to join. Your school is an excellent source for finding or forming such groups, and joining one can ease your anxiety about life away from home.

2. Set up a bank account before you head abroad. This can be done once you arrive, of course, but you will likely find greater peace of mind knowing you are already financially established, at least in terms of being able to use bank services. Having an account where you can instantly access your savings is an easy way to get set up before your move and should help ensure you don’t get into any tight financial situations.

3. Figure out your phone situation. Will you be adding global roaming to your plan? Does your carrier offer this service? Roaming cell service can be costly, so you might want to consider long-distance phone cards as another good option for staying in touch with friends and family back home.

4. Tie up loose business ends. Anything that you’ve signed a contract for previous to your move must be addressed. From apartment leases to gym memberships, don’t just assume you can cancel services you’ve signed up for anytime without penalties. You’ll need to be sure you’ve fulfilled your contract, have an out-clause or be willing to pay what are likely to be high fees.

5. Be sure all personal documents and account information are correct and valid. This includes any identification, your visa, social security card, credit cards, and contact information for any important people or entities you may need to speak with while abroad.

6. Update your mailing address. Before leaving for London, advise your current local post office, friends, family and account services departments for any accounts you have of your new address and phone number.

7. Make a list of your personal London goals. Before you leave, make a checklist of all the places you want to visit, things you want to do and foods you want to try. As you live abroad, check things off and add new items as you accomplish them.

8. Pack smart. Find a suggested packing list specific to London here.

Happy travels, and “cheers” to your new adventure!

Guest Posting from Victoria Moretti, a professional writer from the UK who contributes to Abroad101 from time to time. Victoria loves to write about businesses and macro economic affairs that move the needle. Her other loves include travel, long walks and flat whites.
