Your students have successfully completed an experience abroad that is most often described as “Life Changing” and “The Best Four Months of My Life” and you’re now looking to help them take that experience and do more with it. Some have blogged about it, described it on their Facebook page and made friends and family members of their inner circle aware of all the their discoveries. Abroad101 now encourages you, their advisor, to take another step and have them submit a thoughtful program evaluation/review through Abroad101.
Reviews on Abroad101 will help advisors and program providers gain better insight into a student’s experience and give you something to promote and share. Reviews will help future students and parents understand what to expect on the program, the destination and study abroad in general, AND the best reason to submit a review on Abroad101 is to help the student.
Student reviews will be published on the Abroad101 website and each will become its own webpage. This creates a great place to feature experiences and use those experiences to open doors to a future career. Employers are looking for people with an international background and a review on Abroad101 is a perfect place to jump-start career searches. We suggest that you encourage students to think of a review as a writing sample, a chance to showcase who they really are. A well written review can show future employers and other recruiters that the student can be constructive in their criticism, take responsibility for outcomes, be reflective and be forward thinking. Students should state their new worldview and use the review as a place to shine. If there are a couple pictures of community involvement or doing good deeds, this helps to really separate them from the pack. To begin a review, visit the, search for the program and click the “leave a review” button, or start here:
When the review is complete , we also encourage students to include a link to their review in the education section of their Linkedin profile and then join the Linkedin group called “The StudyAbroad Advantage”
As an added bonus when they complete their review, you’ll get a promo code for an additional $20 off their next flight or excursion abroad with
Advisors download our Student Re-Entry Flyer!