WASHINGTON, D.C. – After decades of anticipation, the Center Of Space Management’s Intergalactic College (COSMIC) has announced today that, beginning in 2016, college students will be able to choose between destinations like Cape Town, Shanghai, and… Mars.
During this morning’s press conference in Washington, President of COSMIC Marsh N. Cadet announced, “Based on popular demand from students and educators alike, we are absolutely thrilled to offer a completely revolutionary type of study abroad program. The Intergalactic College will feature a rigorous curriculum covering everything from Astrophysics to Geology, with a particular focus around Intergalactic Citizenship.”
Intergalactic Citizenship, or IC, refers to the trending progression of Global Citizenship. COSMIC’s program promotes applying students’ skills not only in a positive, socially-conscious global context, but also in a culturally sensitive manner that impacts the entire galaxy.
This historical milestone was made possible due to collaborative efforts with Virgle, Virgin and Google’s anticipated human settlement on Mars. “Earth has issues, and it’s time humanity got started on a Plan B,” states Virgle’s press release.
“So, starting in 2016, Virgin founder Richard Branson and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will be leading hundreds of users on one of the grandest adventures in human history: Project Virgle, the first permanent human colony on Mars.”

Students interested in COSMIC are encouraged to submit their VISA paperwork immediately, as there is an expected 3-year waiting period. Numerous physical examinations and vaccinations will also be required to adequately prepare for such demanding conditions.However, given this new and evolving niche “space” within international education, endless opportunities are emerging for travel service companies. In the mobile phone industry, for example, one leading provider is already dubbing the tagline, “Can ET phone home now? Good.” Another has created the first smart phone for space: The Asteroid.
With slots for just 50 students and an anticipated acceptance rate of less than .025%, COSMIC recommends that interested, qualified students apply immediately. “This study abroad option is out of this world! I’m definitely going to apply,” announced one Astronomy student. “I just hope there is enough space in the program.” Click here to learn more.