This post comes from Andrew Ross, a student who spent the Fall 2012 studying abroad at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. Read on to hear what he loves about this charming University in the heart of Roma! Ross says, “When you hear people talk about the so called ‘times of their lives’ you hardly take them seriously. Well, you should take this one seriously, as I’m going to tell you that I’ve never had an experience like this in my 20 years of breathing!…
My time in Rome will soon come to an end, and when it does I will only have pictures and what’s left of my memories to recall the amazing experiences I’ve had the pleasure to encounter.
One of the main facilitators of these experiences was the school where I studied, John Cabot University. John Cabot University is a small school, even smaller than the one I go to at home. I don’t like big classrooms, and at John Cabot University you should not expect to have one, because here you get professors who work incredibly hard to convey their treasure troves of knowledge to their students. I haven’t gone on a ‘field trip’ since high school, but John Cabot changed that. JCU’s vision to create amazing trips enabled me to connect with not only my classmates, but my professors as well, and for that I am truly grateful.
Here at John Cabot University I not only met fun people, but I made friends that I will take back with me to the States. John Cabot University students are a tightly knit community that I sometimes find myself envying, but I rest assured knowing that an identical community awaits me back home.
I would recommend this experience to anyone, seeing the world is a must, and this was only a little taste for me. There are other schools that you can attend in Rome, but John Cabot University has the most character, the most fun, and above all, the most quality.”
Interested in what other students had to say about studying abroad at JCU in Rome? Check out their reviews on Abroad101.