Love the 2012 Olympics? Take part in the Abroad101 Global Gold Challenge!

Photo: GreenTea95


With the 2012 Olympics in London upon us, global competition is on our minds. The guts! The glory! The…awesome course selection and weekend excursions??

YES! Abroad101 is joining the fun with our own Global Gold Challenge, a head-to-head competition of countries competing for study abroad fame.  For an entire week during the Olympics (July 27 – August 3) we’ll be running a poll on our  asking YOU to get on board with whichever nation you think will come out of the Olympics with the most medals overall.

Now remember, this is a global competition, and as such, we’ll be raffling off an Abroad101 Care Package to a randomly selected person who voted for the winning country after medal counts have been finalized.

All of our contenders are real powerhouses, so we’re featuring each on our blog throughout the week, detailing their journeys in the ring of study abroad and how they’re doing in the Olympics too!


What to do now? Get in the game!:

1.     Go to our Facebook page to vote for one of our five contenders: Kenya, New Zealand, Turkey, Brazil and Denmark.

2.     Keep an eye on the Abroad101 blog and Facebook page all week (July 30 – August 3) for an in-depth look at each destination.

3.    Stick around for after the Olympics have ended to see if your selection won, and whether you could receive an Abroad101 Care Package unique to your country!


We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s votes as well as which country will be our reigning champ!


– The Abroad101 Team


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