Study Abroad Bucket List!
Go sky diving.
Meet as many local people as possible.
Learn how to say hello, goodbye, and thank you in all 11 countries that we visit.
Visit an orphanage.
Volunteer whenever possible.
Experience the culture to the fullest extent (each the local cuisine, learn the local dances, listen to the local music, etc.).
Eat Kobe beef while in Kobe, Japan. (It is supposed to be amazing!)
Hike along the Great Wall of China.
Visit the Taj Mahal in India.
Never sit around and waste time while in each port, be on a constant adventure and be continuously exploring!
Overall, I want this study abroad experience to teach me and to open my eyes to the rest of the world. I want to grow from this experience and become more cultured. I want to compare and contrast everywhere I go to where I live and see the pros and cons. I want to understand the different ways of life and appreciate all of the different lifestyles out there. This voyage is going to be incredible and I honestly cannot even put into words how much I am going to get out of it! I want to come back a new person.
Submitted by Theresa Corelli, Abroad101 Global Ambassador aboard Semester at Sea