What can Boston do to keep start-ups in the area?


If you ask local entrepreneurs, the answer is lots of things! Last week, Abroad 101’s President and Co-Founder, Mike Stone, was featured alongside other local entrepreneurs in a Boston Globe article “Can Boston be the hub of the start-up universe?” Mike’s sentiments on the Boston start-up scene reflect the need for more angel investors. This would help retain strong start-ups in the early stages, rather than losing them to places like Silicon Valley. “Investors should create more angel groups to attract, grow, and retain early-stage companies, which can then benefit from VC funds. We need people to see Boston as a destination, not a stepping-stone. What starts in Boston should stay in Boston.”

Well said, Mike!

This editorial is just one piece of increased dialogue in Boston around supporting the investment infrastructure. This morning, Senator Scott Brown held an Access to Capital for Small Business Roundtable to facilitate thoughts on both lending and investing for small business.

What other ideas were mentioned in the article? Everything from enticing the media to focus more on the Boston start-up scene, to looking for more diverse investors, to providing better entertainment and practical resources for local entrepreneurs. Boston clearly holds a bubble of strong, smart entrepreneurs. Let’s do everything we can to keep them here!
