As we continue to collect more data, the Abroad101 team is excited to start generating reports on study abroad trends. Here is a sneak peak of some of the exciting conclusions we are finding: in this sample of 374 post-abroad students, 96% are likely to travel abroad again, 78% of whom are definitely planning on venturing outside the US for another international experience.
If anyone out there wonders why we are so passionate about promoting international education and getting more students abroad, the motivation is quite simple: While there are no “I’s” in study abroad, its effect is quite transformative, sparking introspection, inquisition, independence, and intercultural understanding. Results like these reinforce that these formative characteristics of a global citizen are withstanding, prompting enhanced interest in returning abroad and further developing these skills.
Now, onto the main question: Are we likely going to continue collecting meaningful data and generating reports? Definitely.